HKU-SCF Scholarship in Financial Technology

HKU-SCF Scholarship in Financial Technology for BASc(FinTech) Programme is now open for applications!

Up to 8 scholarships for the academic year of 2021/22

Application Deadline: 30 June 2021

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HKU-SCF FinTech Academy Plaque Unveiling Ceremony on November 11, 2020

HKU FinTech Day 2020

3 and 4 November 2020
4:30 - 6:00 PM Hong Kong Time via Zoom

Digital Currency: Technology, Challenges, and Opportunities

Date: 27 August 2020
Time: 9:00am – 1:00pm

Establishment of the HKU-SCF FinTech Academy
and HKU-SCF Scholarship in FinTech

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To make a sustainable impact in FinTech by grooming world-class FinTech talents and leading innovative research in Hong Kong

Recent News

HKU-FinTech Day 2020

The fourth annual HKU FinTech Day held this year in a virtual format in conjunction with Hong Kong FinTech Week 2020, have brought together renowned academics and key industry players to discuss cutting-edge research at the intersection of science, technology, and entrepreneurship.
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