The Academy has funded five exciting projects in FinTech with a total of HK$4.8M in the first year. These projects highlight a wider range of areas of expertise than that would be found in any other HK universities, and also addressing timely issues like financial fluctuations due to COVID-19 and next-generation digital currency.
Digital Finance, Financial Inclusion and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
PI: Prof. Douglas Arner, HKU
Co-Is: Dr. Giulian Castellan, HKU
Prof. Ross P. Buckley, UNSW, Australia
Prof. Dirk A. Zetzsche, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
HKU Coin: Towards Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Cryptocurrency with Accountability
PI: Dr. Allen Au, HKU
Financial Volatility and Digital Finance
PI: Prof. Chen Lin, HKU
A Visualization Assisted Abnormal Trading Detection System for Multi-crypto Currencies
PI: Prof. SM Yiu, HKU
Co-I: Prof. TW Lam, HKU
HKU FinTech Index Project
PI: Prof. SM Yiu, HKU
Co-PIs: Prof. Philip Yu, EdUHK
Prof. TW Lam, HKU
Mr. Brian Tang, HKU